Our mission is to promote rigor, reproducibility, and replicability in the analysis of sex-based data.
Sex contextualism in laboratory research
In a Focus Issue of Cell, we discuss how to analyze and interpret sex-related variation while upholding the highest standards of rigor. Read the explainer here.
Training materials on how to consider sex and gender: Are they up to the task?
We evaluated publicly available online courses on how to incorporate sex and gender as a variable in research, including NIH's "SABV Primer." We found that there is room for improvement.
Best Practices to Promote Rigor and Reproducibility in the Era of Sex-inclusive Research
Janet Rich-Edwards and I use the "4 C's" framework to discuss how to best test for and report sex variability.
Dr. Maney heads to Harvard as a Radcliffe Fellow
I'm thrilled to have had the opportunity to spend a full academic year 2023-2024 collaborating with colleagues at Harvard. I worked with them on resources to help researchers focus less on "sex" as a variable and more on the variables that are actually informative and causal.
Identifying Barriers to Implementation of SABV policy
With my collaborators Katrina Karkazis and Kimbi Hagen, I examined the implementation of the NIH policy on Sex as a Biological Variable (SABV). This project was funded by the Emory Specialized Center for Research Excellence on Sex Differences.
Why and How to Account for Sex and Gender in Behavioral Research
Lise Eliot led this how-to article, based on our workshop at the Society for Neuroscience meeting in 2022.
Sex-Inclusive Biomedicine: Are New Policies Increasing Rigor and Reproducibility?
My collaborator Janet Rich-Edwards and I weigh in on common analytical errors in the study of sex variability and what we can do to prevent them.
Rigor and Reproducibility in the Study of Sex Differences
Click to watch my presentation at the UCLA Lab of Neuroendocrinology.
University of California, Los Angeles
March 17, 2023
Click to watch my keynote address at the Connors-BRI Symposium: Incorporating Sex and Gender as Research Variables to Advance Health.
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
May 9, 2022
Sex-based Data in the Spotlight
What counts as evidence for a sex difference? Our study in eLife shows that claims of sex differences in the biological sciences are often not backed by sound statistics.
We developed sexdifference.org to visualize overlap between two sexes. The tool generates graphs and calculates effect sizes. For a more general tool you can use to visualize any difference, head to effectsize.science.